A Honeymoon in Paris & Italy

Kelly and Chris were looking for an October honeymoon in Europe. Someplace romantic, with plenty of food, museums, and opportunities to explore on their own. The perfect combination of these? Florence, Rome, the Amalfi Coast, and Paris! Here is their feedback on their European Honeymoon:

We had such a great time on our trip! Everything turned out amazing! The transfers you set up for us were very helpful. The cars were all on time and it was nice to not have to worry about finding transportation. All of the flights and trains were on time and easy to navigate.

The Highlights

We loved all of the hotels but we especially loved Hotel Le Littre in Paris and Hotel Berchielli in Florence (the views and the locations)! All of the tours were great. The guides were all very knowledgeable and helped us see the main attractions in a short amount of time.

One of the highlights of our trip was the Semi-private wine-making experience and gourmet dinner. The vineyard in Tuscany was beautiful and we had fun at the wine and olive oil tasting. We also loved getting to blend our own wine to take home.

The Sorrento Farm Experience was another activity we really enjoyed. It was nice being able to try their different olive oils and cheeses and even watch them make fresh cheese in front of us! 

Good to Note

We just had a few things to note: When we landed at the Paris airport it took us over an hour to get through customs. Luckily the driver was still there when we got through so it wasn’t a problem. The other thing was the private tour of the Amalfi Coast. The driver was so great and he recommended an excellent place to eat.

We got to visit Positano and Ravello which were beautiful but we spent almost 2 hours in traffic and were not able to stop at Amalfi due to crowds and timing. Totally understand that traffic can’t be predicted and we had a great time at the stops we did get to make! That is really the only feedback we have!

We had an incredible honeymoon thanks to you! Your planning was a great help and took a lot of stress off of our plate and the Pocket Travel app made everything so easy and accessible. We will definitely use your services again when we plan another big trip.

Iceland: Blue Lagoon vs. Sky Lagoon

Mention to anyone that you are headed to Iceland, and the first place they’ll ask about is the Blue Lagoon. They’ve been there, or they want to go there. It’s on their bucket list, or they want to know if it’s on yours. It makes sense. The Blue Lagoon has been around for decades, and it’s one of the top tourist attractions in Iceland. 

But there’s a new lagoon in town – the Sky Lagoon, which opened in 2021 and is still a bit “under the radar” for many people. We have started to get questions about this one from our clients (which one is better, is it worth visiting both, etc) so I decided to experience both lagoons, back-to-back, on consecutive days, on my recent trip to Iceland. It’s all in the name of research, right?

I’ve been to the Blue Lagoon several times before, so I was a little bit concerned that it would be unfairly disadvantaged in comparison to someplace fresh and new. But I had my daughter with me on this trip, and she’s a first-timer to Iceland, so I made sure to get her feedback too!


The Blue Lagoon is located near Keflavik airport, and most people visit it on their arrival or departure days, since it’s a little bit far from Reykjavik (about a 45-minute drive). It’s surrounded by dramatic volcanic landscapes, and the drive there really sets the scene. The lagoon was created by run-off from a geothermal power plant, and you can see the steam from that plant rising from the lava fields as you approach. There’s an (expensive) hotel onsite, so you can spend a night there if you like. We spent a bit less and stayed at the Northern Light Inn next door so that we could experience the lagoon first thing in the morning (more on that later).

The Sky Lagoon is located in an industrial/waterfront area on the outskirts of Reykjavik. It’s just ten minutes from the center of downtown, but the drive is not at all scenic. We felt like we were driving to a deserted wharf until we pulled into the parking lot and saw the pretty façade. 

Conclusion: Tie

If you’re staying in Reykjavik and want to soak in a lagoon without taking an entire day to do it, the Sky Lagoon wins for convenience.  But if you’re doing a quick stopover and don’t want to come all the way into Reykjavik, the Blue Lagoon wins for convenience to the airport.  We’ll call this a tie.


The Blue Lagoon is bigger, and attracts a lot more people, but there’s always enough space to spread out. The milky blue water feels otherworldly, and it’s set off nicely by the dramatic black lava rocks that surround it. But around the perimeter of the lagoon you can see trash cans, empty glasses that people didn’t return to the receptacles, and lifeguards/security guards on patrol.  Those all give it a little bit of a public swimming pool vibe. As do the excited children in swim goggles and flotation devices. The minimum age for the Blue Lagoon is just two years old, so there will be families with kids.

In contrast, the Sky Lagoon, with its 12+ age limit, feels much more adult-oriented. We did not see anyone even close to that age, and the crowd was mostly couples.  This lagoon has an infinity edge overlooking the sea, and the water is clear, like the ocean beyond. It’s nicely landscaped with lava rocks and waterfalls, and we appreciated the benches that are built into the lagoon among the rocks. The swim up bar is tucked into a little grotto, and the only other thing you see around the perimeter of the lagoon is a small moss-covered cottage, which is where the spa rituals take place. Behind that cottage façade is a modern and beautiful spa facility.

Conclusion: Sky Lagoon

No kids, spa vibe, and ocean views means that the Sky Lagoon wins this one.


Blue Lagoon prices start at $67 per person for their comfort package, and $86 per person for the upgraded premium package, which is the one we did.  The prices vary by day/time (based on demand), and there is also a much more expensive “Retreat Spa” package you can purchase (more like $600 pp).  Our premium package included entrance to the lagoon, a towel, a bathrobe, three facial masks, and a drink at the swim up bar. The masks are DIY – they plop some mud or algae in your hand and tell you how long to leave it on before you wash it off in the lagoon and come back for the next one, and there is a big mirror along the side of the pool (and a fresh water spigot) to help with that. No one wants to lounge around with some misplaced or forgotten mud on their face!

Sky Lagoon prices start at about $50 per person for their basic “Pure Lite” package, and $73 per person for the “Pure” package that we did. They also offer a more expensive ($96 per person) package that includes a private changing room. Like the Blue Lagoon, the prices vary by day/time, based on demand.  Our Pure package included admission to the lagoon, a towel, and their seven-step spa ritual. This takes place in the little cottage adjacent to the lagoon. It includes a cold plunge pool, a sauna, an energizing mist, a (self-applied) body scrub, a steam room, and a refreshing shower. The spa ritual is done at your leisure, and we soaked in the lagoon, then did the spa, and then soaked in the lagoon again afterward with a mimosa from the swim-up bar. 

Conclusion: Sky Lagoon

Dollar for dollar, the Sky Lagoon is a better value. The prices are lower, and you get a lot more when you compare their Pure package to the Blue Lagoon Premium package. 

Overall takeaway, and our tips/advice

It’s probably clear by now that we preferred the Sky Lagoon, but the Blue Lagoon is iconic, and if you want to experience the milky, mineral-rich waters, you should absolutely do that.  Or do both, like we did. But if you do both I would suggest you do the Blue Lagoon first for the visual “wow”. And the Sky Lagoon second, for the relaxing “aaaaah”.  

Here are some other tips:

  • For either lagoon, go first thing in the morning. Prices will be lower for the first entry times of the day, and crowds will be lighter. It makes a huge difference in the experience.
  • Don’t get your hair wet at the Blue Lagoon. The minerals are really tough on hair, and it will feel dried out and rough for days.
  • If you’re visiting during the winter months, when it can be cold and snowy outside, remember that the Blue Lagoon has an indoor entrance to the water. It’s to your left as you exit the building. You can walk right into the water inside, and then swim out into the cold. (much better than the dash through the outdoors in your bathing suit)
  • Shower (naked) before you enter either lagoon. In Iceland, this is mandatory, and they take it seriously. There are showers in the locker rooms, and you are expected to use them before and after you swim. 
  • Watch out for the underwater benches at the Sky Lagoon. They’re not visible from above the water. I banged my shins on one before I figured out to check between the lava rocks for benches. 

I hope this helps you plan an amazing trip to Iceland. And if you want an expert to put it all together for you, just let us know

Top Tips for Your First Trip to Europe

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First time traveling to Europe? There’s a lot to consider for your first big trip abroad! If you’ve reached out to us to help you plan, you know most of the details are already taken care of. All that’s left is to pack, get on the plane, and enjoy your adventure! But even with a trusted travel agent by your side, it can feel a bit daunting heading to a completely unfamiliar place. Aside from preparing for the extra-long flight, what else do you need to know before you go? As seasoned European travelers, here are our top tips:


What to Pack: No matter where you’re going in Europe, you will be guaranteed to need three things: comfortable walking shoes, layers, and adapters. Your favorite dress shoes might look amazing, but if you’ve never walked farther than from the restaurant to your car in them, they need to stay home. Generally, the weather is constantly changing throughout the day. Fresh mornings give way to sweltering midday before cooling down again into beautiful evenings. To cover these changes you’ll need to bring some lovely light layers. Finally, you’ll need to select an all-purpose adapter to allow your US plugs to fit into a European outlet. Plus a converter if you’re bringing a US appliance (like a hairdryer) that can’t handle their stronger voltage.

Pack Light: Even with careful planning, at some point on your adventure you’ll need to lift your suitcase. It won’t be over your head, perhaps just a small step into your hotel, up and over the bridges of Venice, or simply over the gap between the train and the platform. But you want to be sure you pack a suitcase that you can manage and maneuver. Check out our packing it all in a carry-on guide – even if you don’t plan on fitting it all in a carry-on, you’ll find some good tips to help you minimize. 

[Photo Credit: Liz via Shared Adventures]

Important Items: Make sure you pack all medicines, important phone numbers, a change of clothes, and expensive items/ electronics in your carry-on bag. Anything you need in the first 48hrs goes in the carry-on in case your luggage is delayed or lost.

Your Phone

Check with your provider: Communicating while abroad is important – whether with other people in your group or with your friends and family back home. Or, if you need to access maps, use handy travel apps, post on social media, or check other internet info. Check with your mobile phone provider in advance to see what their international plan is, how to set it up, and whether it’s worth using. 

Offline: If you decide you don’t want to use your provider’s international plan, you must put your phone into Airplane mode to avoid roaming charges. Even if you’re not actively using your phone, unless it’s in airplane mode, it’s using data. It’s also worth looking up how to download offline maps. This will help you so much when you’re jumping from wifi to wifi. 

[Photo Credit: Angela Compagnone via Unsplash]

Connecting: Most crucially, when you’re abroad, you’ll need to dial the country code to contact anyone. Here’s how to do that (works for both iPhone and Android). Secondly, we cannot recommend WhatsApp enough. Everyone in Europe has and communicates through WhatsApp. That includes your tour guides, your drivers, and even some restaurants. Imagine trying to make a dinner reservation when you don’t speak the language. Instead of struggling to communicate, you type out the request in a translator app. Then, simply send the translation to the restaurant via WhatsApp text! Easy, simple, and with no misunderstandings! WhatsApp also works off of the wifi/ mobile data. So even if you decide not to set up an international plan, you can communicate! 

Money Matters

Check With Your Bank: You’ll want to check your bank’s foreign transaction fees and currency conversion rates. Be sure to let them know you’re traveling so they don’t flag any card purchases by mistake. If you have a card that doesn’t charge foreign transaction fees (like a Capital One or Chase Sapphire) now is the time to use it! Also, be sure to bring a Visa/Mastercard since many places won’t accept Amex or Discover

In Belgium Beth showing off her chocolate- shopping bags in the Brussels Shopping Mall

Cash vs Card: It’s not necessary to get a huge amount of foreign currency before you leave, but you’ll need some pocket money. The general rule is: anything under 10€ should be paid in cash. Some places won’t accept cards if it’s under 10€ and sometimes it’s more polite to pay for tips, taxis, cups of coffee, etc in cash. Plus, public toilets will only take 1€ coins. Remember: 1€ and 2€ are coins so don’t just get rid of “spare change”! For larger purchases in shops and restaurants, you can use your card to get the best exchange rate and some added protections. 

[Photo Credit: Beth & Bob via Shared Adventures Travel – check out their Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris Adventure here! ]

Tipping: While in Europe, resist the urge to tip the way you do in the US. In restaurants check to see if a service charge is already on the bill. If not, and if you’re inclined to tip, don’t leave any more than 10%. Tip tour guides and drivers 2€ -10€ per person. For taxis, you can round up to the nearest Euro. European service workers, in general, make a living wage and do not need/expect a generous American-style tip.


Language: Of course, they speak a different language! In major cities, a lot of the service industry at least speak English related to their jobs. But it’s always nice for you to try to meet them halfway. Always try to learn “hello & goodbye”, “ please & thank you”, “ do you speak English?” and “Where is the toilet?” These all go a long way. Don’t forget all the signs will be in the foreign language as well! Luckily, in transport areas like train stations and airports, you’ll often see English in small letters underneath.

Dining Times: Throughout most of Europe the dining times are more specific. Many places, especially in Italy, Portugal, and Spain, close down for an afternoon siesta between 2:30 pm – 7 pm.

To avoid only finding sad sandwiches for lunch, make sure you’re getting lunch before 2 pm. Similarly, many restaurants don’t serve dinner until 7 pm. Certainly, there are a few open earlier, and in big cities, some are open all day. However, you’ll limit your choices if you’re trying to eat dinner before 7 pm.

[Photo Credit: Hilary and Zackary via Shared Adventures Travel — read about their Rome & Amalfi Coast Honeymoon here!]

delicious meal in southern Italy

Finally, in Europe, water doesn’t come automatically to the table. If you want water, you’ll have to order it and it usually is only available by bottle without ice.

Rooms: Unless you’re booking a suite, most of the hotel rooms and beds tend to be smaller than typical American standards. And that includes the bathrooms. 


Be Informed: To keep yourself informed, you can enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). This is a free service that allows you to pre-register your travel plans with the US State Department. This way, they can keep you informed of safety conditions at your destination(s). Plus, the US Embassy will know how to reach you in the event of an emergency (including a family emergency at home). To enroll in STEP, visit https://step.state.gov/step/. To keep others informed – make sure you leave a full itinerary with a reservation number with a friend or family member. 

Overlooking Paris at sunset from the Arc du Triomphe

Keep Tabs on your Belongings: As with any crowded city or location, you want to make sure to keep an eye on your belongings. Don’t leave your phone in your back pocket, and have a bag that goes across your body and has zippers/ multiple pockets. 

[Photo Credit: Kim & Paul via Shared Adventures — read about their Paris Adventure here!]

Standard Precautions: Even though you are on vacation, please follow the same health/safety precautions you would if you were closer to home. Don’t drink to excess (especially in the hot sun), and never leave a drink unattended. Don’t wander around alone at night; practice the buddy system. Lock your hotel room windows and doors (and use the deadbolt provided, or bring an inexpensive door wedge or travel lock of your own). Leave expensive jewelry and electronics at home, and keep valuables in a safe and secure place (such as the in-room safe). If you run into legal trouble or are the victim of a crime, reach out to the nearest US Embassy for assistance. Your rights/responsibilities are different in foreign countries. 

While there will always be new things to discover on each adventure you take, we hope this blog has helped you feel more prepared to tackle your first big trip abroad! Now you’re ready to step off the plane and enjoy your European Adventure stress-free. Bookmark this page for later and if you would like some help planning your next adventure let us know!

A Perfect Honeymoon in Tahiti

When Heather & Jesse asked about an October honeymoon to French Polynesia and Tahiti, we knew exactly what would fit them best! We planned an incredible two-week adventure that had a little bit of everything. From relaxing on the beach to a bucket list snorkeling experience to a private overwater bungalow! Here’s their in-depth review of their Tahitian Honeymoon!


We arrived at Papeete, Tahiti fresh off our destination wedding in South Carolina. And were simultaneously exhausted and excited for our upcoming Tahiti adventure.  We arrived at the Hilton hotel well ahead of our check-in time (and ahead of cocktail hour). So, we grabbed some coffees and sat outside by the pool.  The pool area at the Hilton is very nice – clean, well-appointed, and beautiful.  We spent most of the second day in a private two-person chair at the pool, overlooking the ocean.  The restaurant at the hotel was delicious, for dinner and breakfast.  And the service at the hotel in general was outstanding.  Our two-night stay at the Hilton in Tahiti was a great way to ease into the trip.

a stunning sunset over the pool and ocean at a resort in Tahiti
Sunset over the pool at the Hilton Papeete – Tahtiti

Next on our agenda was a ferry transfer from Tahiti to Moorea for a 6-night stay at the Hilton Moorea in a private bungalow.  Moorea’s green mountains and cliffs are stunning, as are the clear waters that surround it. 

It’s worth pointing out that on transfer days, you usually end up with some time to kill before check-in. We used this time to plan some outings with the concierge and lounge by the pool with a drink. While waiting, the staff also taught Jesse how to husk and open a coconut!

Once we checked in, we found our bungalow was a little weathered and not quite as pristine as the Hilton hotel on Papeete, Tahiti, but it was very private with our own little pool.  This first night we took advantage of one of the local restaurants that run shuttles to the hotel and had a nice authentic Moorea dinner.

Moorea Adventures

On our second day, we took an off-road truck tour to visit some of the tourist highlights of the island.  Our local guide Patrick was outstanding.  We went up the very steep road to Magic Mountain, which has great views, then on to the pearl shop and Juice factory for some tasty rums and fruit drinks. 

Tahiti - a honeymoon couple in front of a pineapple field with green mountains in the background in Tahiti

Patrick then took us to Belvedere lookout, which is exceptional, and pointed out the variety of fruit and nut trees that grow everywhere. He then showed us the remains of a religious temple and taught us some of the histories of the island natives, which was very moving. We then went to the pineapple fields in the interior of the caldera. Being in there reminded us of a green version of Zion national park.

For dinner, we ate at the creperie which is an overwater at the hotel and it was outstanding.

The next day Heather and I decided to set out on our own for a day of adventure.  We planned a hike using the Alltrails appLes Col des Trois Pinus via Tiki Park. 

The trailhead was about 5 miles from the hotel so we arranged for E-bikes with the concierge and rode these to the trailhead, which was a blast!  The hike was about a 5-mile hike through the jungle, past several of the religious temple remains, and up a moderate hill to the Col des Trois Pinus lookout point. 

The lookout not only has beautiful views of Moorea’s two bays below and the high peaks above, but it also has a wooden swing affixed to the trees! The return part of the loop took us back through the pineapple fields that we had seen the previous day.

Tahiti - a honeymoon couple standing at a lookout point in Tahiti overlooking the green island with tall mountains and just a glimpse of the ocean in the background

This bike & hike day was one of the highlights of the trip for us. 

This night we took a shuttle to Rudy’s restaurant, which was our favorite dining of the entire trip.  Classic, French style of cooking, geared toward local ingredients (the Parrotfish was amazing).  Rudy’s was so good we went back two nights later! 

Moorea Relaxation

The next day we lounged on the beach all day at the resort, a welcome day of relaxation.  The service and amenities were again outstanding.  Great snorkeling is available right from the hotel’s beachfront, and the pool is steps away as well.  The staff regularly checks in for drinks or food, without being intrusive.

 For dinner we did the buffet and Polynesian show, which we found to be a little underwhelming in terms of the food and the show. 

Snorkel Adventures

The following day we had arranged for a private ocean snorkeling tour with Moorea Ocean Adventures.  Neither of us knew really what to expect and we certainly couldn’t have anticipated how this day went.  The crew consisted of the captain, and wildlife specialist, and a professional photographer who happened to be on board doing some work for the company.  When we got on board, they were incredibly welcoming and tried to get a real feel for how adventurous we were.  They asked what sea life we wanted to see, and we said we were game for anything. 

They asked, “would you like to swim with humpback whales?”… ummm, yes!!

Apparently, French Polynesia is one of only 3 places in the world you can do this, and we just happened to be in the right time window for it.

Tahiti- a humpback whale underneath the waves in Tahiti
The Humpback whale that WE SWAM WITH!

  So we set out chasing humpbacks and listening for their calls for an hour or so until we finally got in the water near a whale that was “singing” non-stop.  Seeing the whale underwater within about 50 feet of us was absolutely surreal; a totally unique experience.  The photographer captured an amazing photo from our outing that he shared with us. 

After the whales, we went and swam with sea turtles, which was also incredible but seemed to pale in comparison.

We are overjoyed that Ann recommended this tour; it was worth every penny spent on it and then some!

Tahiti - blue waters and palm trees in a small Tahiti cove

The next morning we did a run/hike up Rotui (the trailhead is very close to the hotel), which rises very steep and provides great views of the hotel and ocean.  The trail is rather rugged and a guide was recommended to go all the way up, so we cut the hike short. 

a view of the Hilton Moorea resort from the hike up Mount Rotui. Green trees, blue waters and a perfect place for a Tahiti honeymoon

We decided to rent a car this day to tour the perimeter of the island.  Other than some souvenir shopping, this was a bust.  There’s really not much else to do or see via car, so we recommend against this. 

Moorea Overall Thoughts

a honeymoon couple toasts with a glass of wine in Tahiti

Some favorite foods and drink from our stay on Moorea: poisson cru, parrotfish at Rudy’s, mahi galette at the creperie, and always croissants at breakfast.

A few overall thoughts to share about the Hilton Moorea: On the positive side, the location is absolutely beautiful, the staff is very welcoming and attentive, there are a ton of great outings that the concierge will help book, the grounds are very clean, and the island itself is very friendly and welcoming and safe. 

On the negative side, the bungalows are a little weathered – in fact, our air conditioner broke on a couple of occasions.  The staff was very responsive in temporarily fixing it, but it was an inconvenience.  Additionally, the furniture around the pool and beach was dated, there was a fair amount of bird droppings on the grounds, the workout facilities were underwhelming,  and the food at the hotel was good, but not up to the quality of the Hilton Papeete, or the Taha’a resort still to come. 

Taha’a Pearl Resort & Overwater Bungalow

The next day was our plane-plane-boat transfer day to Taha’a for four nights in an overwater bungalow at Taha’a Pearl Resorts.  We first flew from Moorea back to Tahiti, where we had a long delay.  This was really the only bummer of the trip, having to wait in the Papeete airport for a couple extra hours for our flight to Raitea. 

looking down the walkway of a series of overwater bungalows in Taha'a  for a Tahiti honeymoon

When we finally did get to Raitea it was dark and we still had a boat ride to Taha’a Pearl Resorts, but as soon as we landed we got treated so well!  The resort staff was there to get our bags and load us onto the boat which was so charming.  We were then greeted on the dock at the resort and it was immediately clear that this resort was a step up. 

the view from inside a private overwater bungalow in Tahiti - wooded roof and a window overlooking the bay for a perfect Tahiti honeymoon

Our overwater bungalow was like something out of a magazine (or Instagram…). Private, incredible views and a window in the floor to watch the fish and rays.

Our first full day on Taha’a it was POURING.  So Heather booked a massage that was amazing. And we decided to book an excursion – a truck tour of the main island – for the next day since the weather looked a little ominous. 

fire dancers on the beach in Tahiti celebrating a Tahiti honeymoon

We took advantage of happy hour and then a buffet dinner and show. This time the buffet and show exceeded expectations and the fire dance was very impressive.

Around Taha’a

When we woke up to clear skies we were a little bummed that we weren’t just laying on the beach. But the truck tour ended up being totally worth it.  We were the only two on the truck with our lovely and charming guide Sylvie.  First stop was the Pari Pari distillery, which was fascinating and full of good smells and tastes.  The next stop was the Iaorana Pearl Farm which was such an incredible experience.  A transplant from New Zealand took a TON of time to explain to us the process of raising the oysters and how they form the famous black pearls.  Truly a unique and highly recommended stop. 

Sylvie then took us all around the island and showed us how to open coconuts before bringing us to the vanilla farm. There we learned about the processing of the famous vanilla beans.  The smells here were incredible too and we left with an armful of vanilla products.  On the return leg of the tour, it just so happened that the big outrigger canoe race was passing by Taha’a. So we got to enjoy the celebration that accompanies that race. 

We bid farewell to Sylvie and headed back to the resort for dinner.  We only ate at the main restaurant at the hotel, which was excellent, but we both wished we had a little more variety.  There is a second, fancier restaurant that is by reservation only and books fast. We recommend looking into that well in advance. 

Taha’a Relaxation

a honeymoon couple on vacation in Tahiti with blue water and overwater bungalows in the background

We spent the rest of our time on Taha’a at the resort on the beach, in the coral gardens, or just relaxing at our bungalow. This stay was really luxurious and beautiful and we loved the remoteness and privacy of Taha’a.

The resort sits on its own little island but has everything you need for a multi-night stay.  The grounds are immaculate and quite large.  There are multiple little private nooks and comfy sitting areas.  The pool is spectacular. And right next to it is a lunch restaurant where you can have your feet in the sand. 

All the little details – from an exceptional workout room to modern outdoor furniture, to ponchos and umbrellas provided when raining, to the friendliness of the staff when they ride by on their bicycles – put this resort over the top.

the Taha'a Pearls resort in Tahiti overwater bungalows and dining tables set up looking out over the blue water perfect for a Tahiti honeymoon

Finally, we boarded the boat from Taha’a Pearl Resort to return to Raitea Airport. Then from there a flight to Papeete airport.  We had about a 6-hour layover in Tahiti before our overnight flight back to Los Angeles.  So…we went for one more adventure and took a taxi back to our original stop of the Hilton Papeete hotel. Having one final excellent meal and bottle of wine, sitting by the pool, under the night sky, reveling our trip in French Polynesia. This was a much more enjoyable way to pass the time, rather than sitting in the airport!

Why use a Travel Agent for a Honeymoon in Tahiti?

Booking this trip with Ann was such a pleasant and stress-reducing experience.  All of her recommendations were excellent, and her knowledge of Tahiti and attention to detail with the itinerary was on point.  The island transfers and outing vouchers would be difficult to handle for a first-time visitor to Tahiti on their own, but Ann’s thorough day-by-day break down, information and preparation for us made this once in a lifetime experience seamless.

You provided excellent guidance for us. I appreciated that you really had us think about what was most important to us when we were selecting the right cruise – and not to totally focus on what other people had to say. THANK YOU for helping to make this a memorable trip for our family! It really was a trip of a lifetime!

Clare and Mark (family cruise to Alaska)

The level of service we experienced was out of this world (and we did NOT make it easy on Ann). We weren’t quite sure where we wanted to go, when we would be able to go, or what “vibe” we were going for. After asking us some key questions (what we liked, didn’t like, why, etc.) Ann helped us narrow down our trip details and planned the honeymoon of our dreams. She helped book some of our excursions, answered some emergency questions while abroad and was always available/willing to help. I think it’s safe to say we won’t be using anyone else for future travel planning – Ann is a rockstar!

Carli (Italy and Spain)